
Professional Answering Services: Fact or Fiction

June 16th, 2014 A Personal Answering Service


Choosing to invest in A Personal Answering Service for your company is just that: an investment – one that you should put careful thought into. You might be wondering, “Is this service right for my business and its initiatives?” Or perhaps you are reflecting on the things that you heard about professional answering companies and are uneasy. Well we are here to establish the myths from the reality and hopefully, put your mind at ease about hiring a company like ours.

Professional Answering Services: Fact or Fiction | A Personal Answering Service


A common assumption about agents who work at answering service companies is that they don’t care about customer service. Why would they? It’s not their clients, right? This notion is a complete fallacy. Our employees are highly trained in professionalism, satisfactory service and courtesy. Your customers are our customers and we treat them as such. Each caller is treated individually and we pride ourselves on ensuring each customer has a positive experience.


Another misconception is that no one uses the telephone anymore. This isn’t hard to believe as we are living in the digital age that is flooded with social media, but it is very much a myth. The importance of speaking to a human and not just a computer is just as prevalent now as it was decades ago. When it comes to customer service, your clients want an answer and they want it from someone who does not give automated responses.


Many folks also believe that call centers, or an answering service, is actually just a cost center; an added expense that doesn’t reap much reward. This is false. Success runs deeper than adding up dollar signs. For every happy and satisfied customer that you have, consider it to be a victory. Remember, a call center with skilled customer service agents is the only way to turn an unsatisfied customer into a loyal one.


Let us help you with your business communication needs. If you have any questions on how we can help serve you, contact us today.


Posted by: Melissa Miginini of A Personal Answering Service)


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